Petr Bednařík, Ondřej Tomas and Vojta Tůma are the authors of the system from the COVID19CZ voluntary initiative. They will explain how this unique system built around user consent works and what were the main challenges that the team was facing.
18:00 30 June 2020 @ ONLINE, zoom
Danko Nikolić will explain a number of key differences on how we humans get to be intelligent and how this is achieved by AI technology. One may be surprised.
18:00 18 June 2020 @ ONLINE, zoom
Michał Kurcewicz will demonstrate their work on time series in a large scale and Tetyana Holets will share DHL's approach to process plenty of unstructured text.
18:00 3 June 2020 @ ONLINE, zoom
Lenka Zdeborová will share how to make use of statistical physics in machine learning.
18:00 19 May 2020 @ ONLINE, zoom
Filip Hanzely will discuss several widely used optimization algorithms and mention how the current theory is (not) reflected in the practice.
18:00 21 April 2020 @ ONLINE, zoom
Anastázie Sedláková will explain how to create your visualization using gestalt principles, which describe how we perceive the world through our eyes.
18:30 31 March 2020 @ ONLINE, zoom
In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled Normalizing Flows for Probabilistic Modeling and Inference. You are all welcome to join!
16:00 5 March 2020 @ LIDA room, Jesenná 5, Košice
Ondrej Krídlo will explain the fundamental concepts and approaches of FCA. Even though the fundamental principles of FCA are built for the true/false datatype, he will showcase the simple transition to the analysis of more sundry datatypes.
16:00 26 February 2020 @ VKM room, Jesenná 5, Košice
In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled NISP: Pruning Networks using Neuron Importance Score Propagation. You are all welcome to join!
16:00 20 February 2020 @ LIDA room, Jesenná 5, Košice
Peter Bugata and Dávid Hudák from VSL Software, a.s. will present results of recognizing the wagon number achieved through two neural networks that have learned to cooperate.
16:00 12 February 2020 @ VKM room, Jesenná 5, Košice
In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled Outlier Exposure with Confidence Control for Out-of-Distribution Detection. You are all welcome to join!
16:00 6 February 2020 @ LIDA room, Jesenná 5, Košice
In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks. You are all welcome to join!
16:00 23 January 2020 @ Multi-purpose seminar room, Jesenná 5, Košice
The reading group continues after the new year! At this first meeting after the holidays, we will discuss the paper titled Neural Turing Machines. You are all welcome to join!
15:30 8 January 2020 @ Multi-purpose seminar room, Jesenná 5, Košice
The reading group starts a new topic! The next several meetings will be devoted to the anomaly detection. We start from scratch - discusssing a survey paper. You are all welcome to join!
15:30 27 November 2019 @ Multi-purpose seminar room
15:30 11 December 2019 @ Multi-purpose seminar room
Ladislav Bačo from LIFARS will discuss the newest issues in the field of Cybersecurity. He will briefly explain both traditional and more unconventional methods of Big Data analysing and their usage. Will we find out how to search for a needle in a Big Data haystack?
15:00 4 December 2019 @ VKM room
There has been a lot of debate whether the worst Statistical Method can outperform the best of Machine Learning methods when it comes to Time Series Forecasting. We will try to understand what makes these types of forecasting so different, look at examples and discuss possible answers to this debate with Róbert Tóth from Tangent Works.
16:00 20 November 2019 @ VKM room
In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled Densely Connected Convolutional Networks. You are all welcome to join!
15:30 13 November 2019 @ Multi-purpose seminar room
Stanislav Hrivňak and Ondrej Palkoci from GlobalLogic will introduce us to new projects in the field of Machine Learning they have been working on such as an app to help diabetics, bone segmentation from ultrasound imagining and various SmartHome security applications.
16:00 6 November 2019 @ VKM room
In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks. You are all welcome to join!
15:30 30 October 2019 @ Multi-purpose seminar room
Slovak entrepreneur and visionary Tomáš Bel, a former CEO of Panta Rhei, the founder of EXIsport and a tech startupist at Anovative will tell us about his experience in Business in regards to AI.
15:00 23 October 2019 @ VKM room
This academic year we also organize a reading group. In the upcoming meeting we will discuss the paper titled An Empirical Evaluation of Generic Convolutional and Recurrent Networks for Sequence Modeling. You are all welcome to join!
15:30 16 October 2019 @ Multi-purpose seminar room
Traditional methods used in gap filling such as predicting missing values might be highly impractical if not useless in case of massive data sets mainly due to their inefficiency. Milan Žukovič (UVF PF UPJŠ) will explain how techniques inspired by statistical physics greatly alleviate the limitations.
16:00 9 October 2019 @ VKM room
Gergely Magyar, Filip Hendrichovský and Mária Virčíková from Matsuko will demonstrate the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in reconstructing 3D facial features from single images.
16:00 25 September 2019 @ VKM room
Speakers at our events speak about topics they are passionate about. While featuring more advanced content, the talks are kept friendly to high school students.
People of all ages join our meetups, starting from hight school students wishing to learn more, to senior developers working at local and global companies.
We focus on all topics relevant to data science and data analytics, such as statistics, classifications, artificial intelligence and sometimes even databases.